Mittwoch, 19. November 2008


Most Thai people have a nickname... But the nickname does not necessarily have a correlation with the formal name.
The widespread practice of using nicknames is a reflection of our Sabai-Sabai culture. Thais have a formal name that usually has a positive and traditional meaning. But at home or with those with whom we have a close relationship, the formal name is not usually used. So, we create the nickname. The nickname is also extended to the workplace. Usually, we use the nickname without the formal preceeding title Khun, which is analogous to Mr, or Mrs, Miss, or Ms. in English It demonstrates an informal and close relationship.
In the office, most woman use their nickname. On the other hand, most males rarely use nicknames in the workplace. My assumption is that most gentlemen may want to keep a formal distance.

die meisten thai haben einen übernamen, der nicht mit ihrem wirklichen namen übereinstimmen muss. zuhause oder in der schule wird ihnen der meist 3 oder 4 buchstaben umfassende übername von den eltern oder freunden gegeben. er hat meistens eine oder sogar mehrere bedeutungen.

A: AE - jung/erstgeborener - young/first born, AGUN - traube - grape, AMI/AIMEE - tochter - daughter, AMM - schwester - sister, ANN - beherzt/stark - stout, AO - beruhigt/besänftigt - soothe, AOI or AOY - zuckerrohr - sugar cane, AOM - gemütsmensch - sweet natured, AP(iradee) - schöne frau - beautiful woman, APPLE - apfel - custard apple, AREE - nett - kind, AUI - uups - whow
B: B - zweitgeborener - second born, BANG - talkumpuder - talcum powder, BEER - bier - beer, BIG - kombination von name des vaters und der mutter B und Tik - combination of mother and fathers names B and Tik, BO - schlaufe im haar - bow as in bow in her hair, BOO - krebs - crab, BOOM/BUM - blüte - blossom, BOR - libelle - dragonfly, BUA - lotus - lotus, BUN - leistung/wert - merit
C: CAKE - kuchen - cake, CHAILAI - hübsch - pretty, CHAMPAGNE - champagner/sekt - champagne, CHANG - elefant - elephant
D: DA - auge - eye, DAOW - stern - star, DEE - gut - good, DENG - rot - red, DIB - grob/roh - raw, DUAN - mond - moon, DUM - schwarz - black
E: EAD - offenbar keine bedeutung - apparently has no meaning, EID or OOD - schweinegrunzen - sound of a pig
F: FAH or FAA - himmel - sky, FON - regen - rain, FU - kuh - cow
G: GAEN - frech/unartig - naughty, GAEW - glas - glass, GAIL - alt - old, GED - rosine - raisin, GENG - klever - clever, GING - ast/zweig/filiale - branch, GIP - haarklammer - hairclip, GOP - frosch - frog, GOR - litschi - rambutan, GUAY - banane - banana, GUNG - garnele - prawn, GWANG - hirsch/reh - deer
H: HOM - duftend/wohlrichend - fragrant
I: ICE - eis - ice
J: JAI - herz - heart, JEAB - biene/kücken/mädchen - chick, JEN - cool/kalt - cool/cold, JIN(tana) - imagination - imagination, JIT - herz - heart, JOY - freude - joy, JULA - drachen - kite, JUM - furore/spritzer - splash
K: KAD - markt - market, KAE - keine bedeutung - no meaning, KAI - huhn - chicken, KAN - kurzform von kanchana - short for kanchana, KEOW - grün - green, KHAI - ei - egg, KIM - blatt - leaf, KING - ginger - ginger, KLANG - mittelgross - medium sized, KRATAI - hase - rabbit, KJULAP - rose - rose , KWAI - blöd/dumm/büffel - stupid/buffalo..careful you don't pronounce it KUI as that means penis, KWAN - geliebt/teuer- beloved, KWANG - hirsch/reh - deer
L: LAMAI - sanft/weich - soft, LEK - klein - small, LEUNG - gelb - yellow, LIN(JEE) - litschi - lychee, LING - affe - monkey, LOM - wind - wind, LUUKMUU - ferkel - schweinchen - piglet
M: M - buchstabe m - emm, MAEW - katze - cat, MAH - hund - dog, MAI - neu - new, MAKE - wolke - cloud, MALI - jasmine - jasmine, MAM/MEM - dame - madam, MANEE - diamant - diamond/gems, MAPRANG - pflaume/zwetschge - plum, MAY - im mai geboren - born in may, MEE - bär - bear, MINT - minze - mint, MON - ball - ball, MOO - schwein - pork, MOOK/MUK - perle - pearl, MOON/MUN - fluss - river, MOT - ameise - ant, MUANG - mango - mango, MUD - schwarzer hund Floh - black dog flea!, MUI - kleines mädchen - little girl
N: NAH -reisfeld - rice field, NAMFON - regenwasser - rainwater, NAK - drachen - dragon, NAM - wasser - water, NAN - lang - long, NANG - dame - lady, NAT - kraft der güte - power of goodness, NEE - kurz für WING-NEE flüchten/wegrennen - short for WING-NEE run away/flee, NERN - geld - money, NEUNG - ältestes kind in familie - eldest child in family, NICE - nett - nice, NID - winzig - tiny, NIM - mild/sanft gentle/soft, NING - ruhig/leise/still - quiet, NOI - klein - little, NOK - vogel - bird, NOOT - der/die letzgeborene - the last born, NONG - jüngere/r - younger, NU/NUU or NOO - maus - mouse, NUA - im norden geboren - born in north, NUAN - gesichtspuder - face powder, NUT or NOOT - jüngere/r oder junior - jounger or junior
O: OAT - hafer - oats, OFF - mutter wollte kein kind mehr - mother dont want one more child, ONN - höflich/wohlerzogen - polite/well behaved, OOD - grunz wie schweinelaut - oink as in pig sound, ORN - weich - soft, OUN - dick - fat, OT - quaulquappe - tadpole
P: PAD - pikant/würzig - spicy, PAILIN - edelstein - gemstone, PAK(AA) - blume - flower, PAN(PIT) - mädchen mit schöner haut - girl with nice skin, PANG - puder - powder, PARE - floss - raft, PAT - kurzform für patcharee - short for patcharee, PED - ente - duck, PEN-CHAN - vollmond - full moon, PEPSI - pepsi - pepsi, PET - diamant - diamond, PHARLAP - blitz - lightning, PHAWTA - angenehm zu sehen - pleasing to the eye, PHUENG - biene - bee, PIE - bambus - bamboo, PIM - zum schreiben oder drucken - to type or print, PLA - fisch - fish, POM - mollig - chubby, PONG - puder - powder, POO - krebs - crab, POOK - weich - soft, POOM - liebenswert - lovable, PORN - segen - blessing, POY - juwel - gem, PRAIR - seide - silk, PUI - mollig oder schläfrig - plump or sleepy, PUN - apfel - apple
R: RATANA/RAT/RUT - kristall - crystal, RUNG (ROONG) - regenbogen - rainbow
S: SAENGDAO = Starlight, SAI - sand - sand, SAMORN - schön und beliebt - beautiful and beloved, SAO (SOW) - junges mädchen - young girl, SOM - orange - orange, SRI (SEE) - ruhm - glory/fame, SUDATIP - göttliche frau - divine woman, SUKHON - lieblicher wohlgeruch - lovely fragrance, SU(MALI) - blume - flower
T: TAA - grossvater - grandfather, TAENG-MO - wassermelone - water melon, TANG - geld - money, TEE (TOOWEE) - büffel (wird oft in chinesisch abstammenden familien gebraucht) - buffalo, THAI - frieden - freedom, THONG - gold - gold, TIA - kurz - short, TIK - keine bedeutung - no meaning, TIM - stein/rubin - ruby, TING - kätzchen - kitten, TOH - gross - big, TOY - winzig - tiny, TUI - tatkraft/energie - push, TUK (TA) or TOOK - puppe/kuscheltier - doll/cuddly toy, TUM - höhle - cave
W: WAAD - skizze - sketch or draw, WAEN - ring - ring, WAN or WAAN - süss - sweet, WANIDA - mädchen - girl, WAT - tempel - temple, WEE - besen/pinsel/bürste/kamm - brush/comb, WOON - wolke - cloud, WUN - tag - day
Y: YAART - regenwasser - rainwater, YAI - grossmutter/gross - grandmother/big, YAK - riese - giant, YIM - lächeln - smile, YING - frau - female, YOK - jade - jade, YOO - wirbelwind - whirlwind, YUI - göttliches geschenk - divine gift
back 2 speak thai

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