"thou shalt not kill", says the other monk to him. it is a living beeing and we shalt not kill living beeings.
the monk answer: "if i dont kill, it will go to our vegetable garden and make children and these will eat all our vegetable and then we will not have to eat". they get in real problem together and argue a lot. at last they decide to go to the abbot.
"these monk did kill a slug", explaine one monk to the abbot, "and this is not good, becouse it is a living beeing".
"yes", answer the abbot, "youre right".
"but if i dont kill the slug it will go to our vegetable garden and make children and they will eat our vegetable and then we will have nothing to eat" explaines the second monk.
"yes", answer the abbot, "youre right".
a third monk who heard the discussion tells to the abbot: "but abbot, you can not tell the first monk is right and the second monk is right too".
"yes", answer the abbot, "youre right".
thanks to phra erik